Saturday 27 April 2013

Tiny furniture, lazy Saturday

Turns out my little panic over Mum's whereabouts t'other day was undue - she came strolling in as usual that evening, thank goodness! She keeps bringing new pieces of little furniture home with her though, & what look like tiny versions of Dad's clothes. Can't quite figure out why - I wonder if perhaps it has something to do with her belly. It's gotten a bit bigger recently, which is odd because I've not noticed her eating anything out of the ordinary. Plus, I'm sure I feel it kicking me sometimes when I cuddle into her! I hope nothing like that scary film Alien is going down, I watched that with Dad once & those weird slimey things scared the hell outta me.

Today's been a disappointing Saturday if I'm honest. Usually we go out for an extended walk, but Dad's on some new pills that are making him feel a bit rough - so he wasn't up for going too far. Plus, it started raining almost as soon as we left the house. Typical! I'm not a fan of the water at all, though getting caught in the rain doesn't bother me half as much as when I roll in poo & have to go in the bath.

I'm just having a lay down now, whilst Mum plays Theme Hospital. Dad is busy trying to fix his studio PC so we can make some music together again. Well I say "we" - if I'm honest, he does most of the composing; but I motivate him by huggling him whilst he's at it. Fingers crossed he gets it fixed! In the meantime, I'm quite happy snuggling up in the duvet...

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