Saturday 20 April 2013

Alien grass

It's been an interesting weekend so far.

Dad didn't finish work til late last night, & felt bad for disturbing me when he got home. So he let me sleep in with him & Mum - result! I love my own bed, but I prefer snuggling under their duvet; it always makes me feel so cosy & safe.

This morning I had a bit of a fright though. I woke up & went out into the garden to empty my bladder, as ya do. To my surprise, mid-pee, the grass underneath my right hind paw bit me. It bit me. Obviously I was freaked out - last time I checked, grass didn't have teeth?! Dad said I'd trod on "stingy nettles", whatever the f*** they are. Needless to say, I gave these "nettles" a good barking at. Apparently Mum's gonna dig them up tomorrow so they can't hurt me anymore, which is a relief. I don't scare easy, but the idea of grass that can hurt does not sit right with me at all.

Once I'd recovered from that little trauma, Mum & Dad decided they'd cheer me up by taking me on an extended walk. First we took a trip over to Stanwell to walk between the Staines Reservoirs. We had to boycott that half-way through because we got overrun by insects! So instead, we drove over to Laleham & took a two-hour walk down the River Thames.

It was nice - there were so many new smells (see pic above of me sniffing!!!). Usually my little legs would have struggled walking that distance, but Mum let me try some of her coffee before we left & I had some of Dad's 99 Flake whilst we were en route, so I'm buzzing. I could go again right now. Seriously. But Dad says I've had enough walking for one day & I should settle whilst he tucks into his Saturday night curry. I'm smart enough though that I know if I loiter by the table, I'll be able to blag some scraps. Catch you guys later, I'm off on the scrounge!

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