Tuesday 30 April 2013

Intruder alert!

"Hey! What are you doing in my house?!"

What a thoroughly unpleasant day. Mum came home at lunchtime, which was a nice surprise. Unfortunately, that's where the niceties end! Soon thereafter, some guy she referred to as "the landlord" (sounds like the title of some horror film right?) came strolling in & start doing something to our boiler. I did my very best to get rid of him, but he didn't scare easy. The odd thing was - Mum didn't seem to mind him being here. She mentioned something about him "fixing the hot water", whatever that means... but still, I don't get it. It's our house, he shouldn't have been in here. I told Dad how good a guard dog I had been when he got home & he gave me a biscuit, so it wasn't a completely wasted effort. I suspect I would have gotten a biscuit regardless (just for being cute), but I like to think it was down to hard work.

We went for a walk this evening. I like Shortwood Common, there's plenty of poo to sniff & roll in over there. I just wish I didn't have to cross the railway line to get there. As we traversed the bridge, a big monster of a train went screeching by. Scared the bejesus out of me! Dad always tells me not to worry, but it's ok for him - he obviously has some understanding of how this giant wheeled device works. To me it's just a huge, noisy, killing machine.

We escaped it's wrath anyway; & I'm now glad to be home, snuggled up on the sofa & reflecting on how much fun I had helping Mum unwrap her birthday presents yesterday...

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