Thursday 18 April 2013

Territorial huggles

What a day. Dad's been a bit snowed under at work, & warned me before he left this morning that he'd probably not be able to get home at lunch to walk me. I was so glad to see him come bowling through the door 9 hours later - my bladder felt like it was about to burst! So I bolted out into my garden, only to find a human boy playing on the other side of the fence. Yes, that's right - a kid. Playing. On the other side, of my fence. Not impressed. First the pigeons fly over my garden, now this? Why can't other species appreciate this is my territory, not to be intruded on or neared by them? Dad keeps telling me I need to chill out & that it's a free country, but... it just bugs me, ya know?

Anyway, we went for a long old stroll around the prison & over the park. I barked til my heart's content the whole way; it was what I needed after such a long stint sleeping in the living room by myself. On the plus side, Dad's managed to blag tomorrow morning off work as he's doing a late shift - which is cool. Mum's away on some conference overnight, so me & Pa' are having a lad's night in watching some TV, & sharing a kebab. It's good to have a little alone time with Dad from time-to-time; he's been looking like he's struggling a bit recently so I'm taking this opportunity to snuggle him. He has this ongoing pain problem the Drs can't help him with, but I can. Nothing helps like Benny huggles!

Anyhow, that's enough from me. We've just got to a good bit on Spartacus which requires my full attention - I love the sounds of a sword fight! Peace out y'all.

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