Sunday 14 April 2013


So I'm guessing if you're reading this, chances are you already know me.

For the benefit of those who don't, I'm Benito. My family took me in a few years back when I was a pup, & they've taken great care of me ever since. Recently Dad changed his job & he's been unable to spend quite as much time with me as I'm used to, so I've been finding myself twiddling my proverbial thumbs. I've already got my own Facebook profile & people always comment on how much my status updates make them chuckle, so I figured I'd give this blogging thing a go to pass some time - at least until Mum goes on maternity leave & can keep me company a bit more.

My intention is to use this page as an outlet for my thoughts & views on the world, as I see it. Humans often seem quick to see things from their own perspective, but are reluctant to acknowledge other beings might be capable of independent thought - that is of any value, at least. That's where I come in.

A little about me anyway: - I'm 3/4 chihuahua, 1/4 jack russell. I was born in Pooley Green, which is a poor little excuse for a village located somewhere between Staines ("Westside!") & Egham. I spent the first couple of years of my life growing up in Woking, which I loved by the way. People always kinda frown when you mention Woking, but I'm telling you - as far as walkies go, it's like a paradise! For a while, Dad was around during the day, & he'd quite often take me for 2/3 hour strolls through Horsell Common. Those were the days! Unfortunately we had to move in 2012, & ended up in Ashford, Middlesex. It's pretty cool & I've made some lovely friends (special mentions go out to Poppy, Snowy & Harry), but I do miss my love-interest, Hope. Dad keeps promising to run me back over Woking some time for a catchup with her, but I have a tendency to get travel sick in the car. Trains however, I can handle. Go figure...

Anyhow, I've been up for half hour now & my eyelids are weighing down on me. I probably haven't recovered from the hour-long stroll to Staines & back earlier, so a sleep is on the cards methinks. Mum's away in Dubai at the minute, so I think I'll try sneak into the bedroom & snuggle up in her duvet. It's a good spot to soak up some rays as well, so on sunny days like today it's gotta be done!

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