Tuesday 7 May 2013


Today was a good day. On my morning walk I managed to scavenge half a slice of toast. It only had margarine on it, which made it a slight letdown - but it was still a nice change from the norm.  

Then, this evening I managed to find a sugar cube. Oh my goodness, it was like a little taste of sweet heaven. Truth be told, I wasn't sure what to do with it - as every time I bit it, it kinda disintegrated in my mouth. It tasted so yummy, I decided to just hold it in my mouth for a bit so it would last a bit longer.

& now, I'm sitting on the sofa watching wrestling...

Monday 6 May 2013

Bank holiday BBQ

Just got back from Mum's cousin's house. We met him & his wife over Chertsey Meads earlier & went for a stroll down the Thames with them. Then we went back to their house for a BBQ. I like it there - their garden is huge & full of interesting stuff for me to sniff. Plus their friends were all really nice to me (though everyone kept trying to stroke me - which was a bit annoying, as it was far too hot for that!). Dad got on my nerves as well, because he kept telling me to have a drink. He worries because sometimes I forget that I'm thirsty & get a little dehydrated when we're out in the sun, so he kept waving my water bowl in front of me. Truth be told, I was thirsty, but I was saving myself for burgers & sausages!

The food was good anyway, as Liam has this amazing grill which he seems really adept with. Me & Dad shared a burger & it was scrumptious - much better than the biscuits I get given usually. I wish I could eat burgers all day long, I'd be the happiest dog in the world.

Unfortunately, there was loadsa stuff happening in the gardens on either side - which I just had to bark at. What humans never seem to understand is that - if I visit somewhere, it becomes an extension of my territory, & any passing birds or other dogs nearby need to be made aware of that. Mum got embarrassed though when I started letting everyone know that, & said we had to go because I kept barking. Which sucked. But it was probably for the best, as I am pooped!!!

Tuesday 30 April 2013

Intruder alert!

"Hey! What are you doing in my house?!"

What a thoroughly unpleasant day. Mum came home at lunchtime, which was a nice surprise. Unfortunately, that's where the niceties end! Soon thereafter, some guy she referred to as "the landlord" (sounds like the title of some horror film right?) came strolling in & start doing something to our boiler. I did my very best to get rid of him, but he didn't scare easy. The odd thing was - Mum didn't seem to mind him being here. She mentioned something about him "fixing the hot water", whatever that means... but still, I don't get it. It's our house, he shouldn't have been in here. I told Dad how good a guard dog I had been when he got home & he gave me a biscuit, so it wasn't a completely wasted effort. I suspect I would have gotten a biscuit regardless (just for being cute), but I like to think it was down to hard work.

We went for a walk this evening. I like Shortwood Common, there's plenty of poo to sniff & roll in over there. I just wish I didn't have to cross the railway line to get there. As we traversed the bridge, a big monster of a train went screeching by. Scared the bejesus out of me! Dad always tells me not to worry, but it's ok for him - he obviously has some understanding of how this giant wheeled device works. To me it's just a huge, noisy, killing machine.

We escaped it's wrath anyway; & I'm now glad to be home, snuggled up on the sofa & reflecting on how much fun I had helping Mum unwrap her birthday presents yesterday...

Saturday 27 April 2013

Tiny furniture, lazy Saturday

Turns out my little panic over Mum's whereabouts t'other day was undue - she came strolling in as usual that evening, thank goodness! She keeps bringing new pieces of little furniture home with her though, & what look like tiny versions of Dad's clothes. Can't quite figure out why - I wonder if perhaps it has something to do with her belly. It's gotten a bit bigger recently, which is odd because I've not noticed her eating anything out of the ordinary. Plus, I'm sure I feel it kicking me sometimes when I cuddle into her! I hope nothing like that scary film Alien is going down, I watched that with Dad once & those weird slimey things scared the hell outta me.

Today's been a disappointing Saturday if I'm honest. Usually we go out for an extended walk, but Dad's on some new pills that are making him feel a bit rough - so he wasn't up for going too far. Plus, it started raining almost as soon as we left the house. Typical! I'm not a fan of the water at all, though getting caught in the rain doesn't bother me half as much as when I roll in poo & have to go in the bath.

I'm just having a lay down now, whilst Mum plays Theme Hospital. Dad is busy trying to fix his studio PC so we can make some music together again. Well I say "we" - if I'm honest, he does most of the composing; but I motivate him by huggling him whilst he's at it. Fingers crossed he gets it fixed! In the meantime, I'm quite happy snuggling up in the duvet...

Wednesday 24 April 2013

Lost: one mum

See that look on my face? That's concern.

Here's how my morning normally goes: - wake up, go for a walk with Dad, come home & have a play with Mum. But today when we got back from our walk, Mum was nowhere to be seen! I checked the bedroom, the bathroom, even behind the sofa... but she's not here. Dad told me she's gone to work early, & she'll be "back soon". But last time he said that she was gone for the better part of two weeks!

Where are you Mum? As far as I know, you went out on a hunt for food & got killed. I'm gonna wait on the back of the sofa & watch the door until your return.

Saturday 20 April 2013

Alien grass

It's been an interesting weekend so far.

Dad didn't finish work til late last night, & felt bad for disturbing me when he got home. So he let me sleep in with him & Mum - result! I love my own bed, but I prefer snuggling under their duvet; it always makes me feel so cosy & safe.

This morning I had a bit of a fright though. I woke up & went out into the garden to empty my bladder, as ya do. To my surprise, mid-pee, the grass underneath my right hind paw bit me. It bit me. Obviously I was freaked out - last time I checked, grass didn't have teeth?! Dad said I'd trod on "stingy nettles", whatever the f*** they are. Needless to say, I gave these "nettles" a good barking at. Apparently Mum's gonna dig them up tomorrow so they can't hurt me anymore, which is a relief. I don't scare easy, but the idea of grass that can hurt does not sit right with me at all.

Once I'd recovered from that little trauma, Mum & Dad decided they'd cheer me up by taking me on an extended walk. First we took a trip over to Stanwell to walk between the Staines Reservoirs. We had to boycott that half-way through because we got overrun by insects! So instead, we drove over to Laleham & took a two-hour walk down the River Thames.

It was nice - there were so many new smells (see pic above of me sniffing!!!). Usually my little legs would have struggled walking that distance, but Mum let me try some of her coffee before we left & I had some of Dad's 99 Flake whilst we were en route, so I'm buzzing. I could go again right now. Seriously. But Dad says I've had enough walking for one day & I should settle whilst he tucks into his Saturday night curry. I'm smart enough though that I know if I loiter by the table, I'll be able to blag some scraps. Catch you guys later, I'm off on the scrounge!

Thursday 18 April 2013

Territorial huggles

What a day. Dad's been a bit snowed under at work, & warned me before he left this morning that he'd probably not be able to get home at lunch to walk me. I was so glad to see him come bowling through the door 9 hours later - my bladder felt like it was about to burst! So I bolted out into my garden, only to find a human boy playing on the other side of the fence. Yes, that's right - a kid. Playing. On the other side, of my fence. Not impressed. First the pigeons fly over my garden, now this? Why can't other species appreciate this is my territory, not to be intruded on or neared by them? Dad keeps telling me I need to chill out & that it's a free country, but... it just bugs me, ya know?

Anyway, we went for a long old stroll around the prison & over the park. I barked til my heart's content the whole way; it was what I needed after such a long stint sleeping in the living room by myself. On the plus side, Dad's managed to blag tomorrow morning off work as he's doing a late shift - which is cool. Mum's away on some conference overnight, so me & Pa' are having a lad's night in watching some TV, & sharing a kebab. It's good to have a little alone time with Dad from time-to-time; he's been looking like he's struggling a bit recently so I'm taking this opportunity to snuggle him. He has this ongoing pain problem the Drs can't help him with, but I can. Nothing helps like Benny huggles!

Anyhow, that's enough from me. We've just got to a good bit on Spartacus which requires my full attention - I love the sounds of a sword fight! Peace out y'all.