Tuesday 7 May 2013


Today was a good day. On my morning walk I managed to scavenge half a slice of toast. It only had margarine on it, which made it a slight letdown - but it was still a nice change from the norm.  

Then, this evening I managed to find a sugar cube. Oh my goodness, it was like a little taste of sweet heaven. Truth be told, I wasn't sure what to do with it - as every time I bit it, it kinda disintegrated in my mouth. It tasted so yummy, I decided to just hold it in my mouth for a bit so it would last a bit longer.

& now, I'm sitting on the sofa watching wrestling...

Monday 6 May 2013

Bank holiday BBQ

Just got back from Mum's cousin's house. We met him & his wife over Chertsey Meads earlier & went for a stroll down the Thames with them. Then we went back to their house for a BBQ. I like it there - their garden is huge & full of interesting stuff for me to sniff. Plus their friends were all really nice to me (though everyone kept trying to stroke me - which was a bit annoying, as it was far too hot for that!). Dad got on my nerves as well, because he kept telling me to have a drink. He worries because sometimes I forget that I'm thirsty & get a little dehydrated when we're out in the sun, so he kept waving my water bowl in front of me. Truth be told, I was thirsty, but I was saving myself for burgers & sausages!

The food was good anyway, as Liam has this amazing grill which he seems really adept with. Me & Dad shared a burger & it was scrumptious - much better than the biscuits I get given usually. I wish I could eat burgers all day long, I'd be the happiest dog in the world.

Unfortunately, there was loadsa stuff happening in the gardens on either side - which I just had to bark at. What humans never seem to understand is that - if I visit somewhere, it becomes an extension of my territory, & any passing birds or other dogs nearby need to be made aware of that. Mum got embarrassed though when I started letting everyone know that, & said we had to go because I kept barking. Which sucked. But it was probably for the best, as I am pooped!!!